How do gadgets affect our vision? And what recommendations should be followed to maintain eye health? Experts from Smart Addition understood this.
In the modern world it is difficult to meet a person who does not use gadgets. Smartphone, tablet, e-book, laptop – we read, print, draw, watch movies every day using these devices. Although devices have simplified our lives, they have not added health to our eyes … How do gadgets affect our vision? And what recommendations should be followed to maintain eye health? Read on!
“False myopia”

In recent years, the number of people suffering from eye diseases has increased many times. It is known that more than 300 million people on our planet have poor eyesight. And one of the main reasons for the deterioration of vision, doctors call prolonged work at the computer and reading from the screens of smartphones, e-books and tablets.
Sitting for hours at a luminous screen, first of all, we may encounter the so-called “false myopia” or spasm of accommodation. This means that the eye muscles, which are responsible for the sharpness of the image, do not do their job, and we see objects as blurry. There is also an opinion that daily work behind the monitor can aggravate genetic myopia.
Dry eye syndrome: from redness to conjunctivitis

Prolonged work with gadgets can also cause dry eye syndrome. This is due to the fact that a person normally blinks 18 times per minute, and at monitors – 2 times per minute. As a result, the tear film dries up and thins, and the eye tends to moisturize from the inside and increases the flow of blood to the vessels of the conjunctiva – a transparent tissue that covers the eyes from the outside. Therefore, the eyes turn red, watery, there is a feeling of sand and burning in them.
Nutrition for eye health
To maintain good vision, nutrition plays an important role, as well as the intake of vitamins and special dietary supplements. Let’s take a look at vitamins that are good for the eyes:
Vitamin A
found in carrots, onions, liver, green peas, tomatoes, cottage cheese and lettuce. The antioxidant beta-carotene found in vitamin A helps maintain visual acuity.
Vitamin C
found in citrus fruits, sauerkraut, currants and rose hips. This vitamin provides blood flow to the vessels and capillaries of the eye. In addition, it is necessary to protect against short-wave rays that are harmful to vision.
Vitamin E
found in butter and vegetable oil, potatoes, nuts, spinach, cereals and legumes. It is a powerful natural antioxidant. Vitamin E helps prevent the development of age-related visual impairments such as cataracts.
lutein and zeaxanthin
These are active substances that are found in all dark green vegetables and fruits, as well as grain bread and eggs. Natural dietary supplement Amrita “Lutein Complex” is a rich source of lutein and blueberries, which improves visual acuity, maintains eye health with cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, myopia.
Expert opinion: doctor’s recommendations
Dear readers, Amrita Group experts are happy to share with you recommendations that will help you use your favorite gadgets without harming your eyes. General practitioner-family medicine, Wellness consultant on healthy lifestyle Sarana Olga Vladimirovna advises to adhere to the following rules when working with gadgets:
1. The screen on any gadget must be LED.
2. When viewing a smartphone or tablet, it is better to put the devices on the table. Refuse to watch video on an MP player mounted on the dashboard or back of the car seat if it is in motion. It is also better not to keep the laptop on your knees, but to place it on a stable surface.
3. The smartphone screen must be placed at a distance of 30 cm from the face, the computer monitor – 60 cm, the TV screen – 3 m from the face.
4. It is best if the plane of the monitor screen is perpendicular to the light source. At dusk, additional soft light is needed above the workplace.
5. Every half an hour, try to look away from the monitor and look into the distance – this simple gymnastics helps to preserve your eyesight. Sometimes close your eyes for two or three minutes, due to this, the muscle fibers relax (rest) and, as a result, the sensitivity of the eye receptors responsible for clarity and brightness is restored.
6. In addition to the rules described above, there is one more recommendation: when reading the text on the monitor screen, do not look closely at the image and learn to blink more often.
PS: instead of summary
Although gadgets simplify work and make life more exciting, they do not spare our eyes. Dear readers, we hope our tips and tricks will help you use your favorite devices without harm to your eyes. And yet, leaf through paper books more often and let your eyes rest! Be healthy!