Current Makeup Trends

Current Makeup Trends

Fashion can slip away, indulging the most hasty and attentive, but it still gives you a chance to feel beautiful and in tune with the times as much as possible. And women love to learn about trends in the fashion world, especially in makeup, because it is considered the fastest way to transform. And relatively inexpensive.

Major Trends

The basic rule is that there are no rules. There are trends, there are popular scenarios and moments that one really wants to repeat. But there is a personal style, which is developed over the years, synchronized with the features of personality, and can be considered the basis of the visual image. And already on him try on trends, which may or may not merge with it. If the style requires a correction, a slight deviation from the fashion algorithm, it is worth doing. Because individuality will always be ahead of those who are chasing trend ideas.

Sparkle and shine

And yet these guidelines are there, and very well – without them, the road to beauty would not be illuminated enough. This is especially true for such a trend as glittery and shiny makeup. Of course, in 2021 it will not surprise anyone: the last few years the glowing skin is in fashion, and the word “highlighter” knows even those who are not particularly active with makeup.

What gives a glowing skin:

  • Freshness and openness of the face – these are the opponents of skin dullness, which does not necessarily happen with aging;
  • Charm – they say that radiant faces subconsciously you trust more, you want to consider them, hold your gaze, learn about the person with such a disposable makeup closer;
  • opportunity to hide imperfections – uneven tone and increased pigmentation.

Dense matte tone is also used now, but less actively. And it is only suitable for young girls. Shine, on the other hand, adorns any age under other, of course, important conditions for creating makeup.

Among the really tangible innovations is the substitution of highlighters with oils. This option will not suit everyone; it will be difficult for owners of oily skin to agree with it, but everyone else should try it.


It is closely related to another popular trend – the versatility of cosmetics. To have a whole arsenal of pencils, shadows, creams and lipsticks in her cosmetic bag is not even necessary for every makeup artist. But for the modern woman who believes that makeup should serve her, not her, for no reason so much makeup.

One and the same pencil can be used for the lips (with shading), and eyes, and eyebrows. And it is quite normal.

And the story with the monochrome is about the dominance of one color in the makeup, and it’s the same color shades that play along with it.


How to put on makeup that makes it seem like it’s not there – men will never understand this kind of female logic, but every woman knows what it’s about. There is nothing better than natural beauty, especially you realize this at a time when the years of beautiful youth have been passed in heavy makeup, flashy experiments and other experiences.

What makes a natural makeup look possible:

  • The avoidance of bright colors;
  • Absence of a clear contour (both on eyes and lips);
  • a tone without accentuated blush and bronzer;
  • If there is any contouring, it is minimal, barely visible.

The concept of a clean face with a healthy glow hasn’t gone anywhere, it’s just become even more in demand, and accented eyebrows and a good tone without dense products help with that.


There used to be a clear division: spring-summer and fall-winter. Today the boundaries are blurring, but some things should be highlighted. For example, the fact that in summer you can afford brighter shadows, colored, with interesting transitions. And not necessarily in the evening makeup. If you manage to get a beautiful tan, it should be emphasized, for example, with a tone mixed with bronzer, light in texture and translucent. Active lip moisturizing in summer is just as important as it is in winter.

A winter makeup can have even more radiance than a summer makeup. If only because the lack of sunlight is present and it needs to be compensated somehow. Makeup helps with that, too.

Obviously, fashion trends are not in favor of false eyelashes. If you need long, fluffy, thick lashes for any occasion, let it be false eyelashes. But false eyelashes more and more seem like yesterday’s topic. Yes, and do them well not as often, in an effort to super volume visually heavy look. It makes it older, prevents to see the color of eyes (and sometimes it is possible to “go for it”), and contradicts the trend for naturalness.

And girls who like Twiggy-style eyelashes can also be happy: the spider’s claws are “activated” again. True, now with a lightened rest of the eye makeup. Just neutral light shadows, as if they were absent, and lashes “up to the sky”.

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